idiom Today’s idiom :take the mickey out of~(からかう) 【Japanese idioms you’re sure to find useful.】。きっと使える日本のイディオムThe English idiom「take the mickey out of~」is expressed as 「か... 2025.03.03 idiom
idiom Today’s idiom : cock and bull story(出鱈目) 【Japanese idioms you’re sure to find useful.】。きっと使える日本のイディオムThe English idiom「cock and bull story」is expressed as 「出鱈目(D... 2025.03.03 idiom
idiom Today’s idiom : wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve(愚直に) 【Japanese idioms you’re sure to find useful.】。きっと使える日本のイディオムThe English idiom「wear one's heart on one's sleeve」is expres... 2025.02.24 idiom
idiom Today’s idiom : dot the i’s and cross the t’s(念を入れる) 【Japanese idioms you’re sure to find useful.】。きっと使える日本のイディオムThe English idiom「dot the i's and cross the t's」is expressed... 2025.02.17 idiom
idiom Today’s idiom : every so often(たまに) 【Japanese idioms you’re sure to find useful.】。きっと使える日本のイディオムThe English idiom「every so often」is expressed as 「たまに(TAMANI... 2025.02.12 idiom
idiom Today’s idiom : can’t make head nor tail of (ちんぷんかんぷん) 【Japanese idioms you’re sure to find useful.】。きっと使える日本のイディオムThe English idiom「can't make head nor tail of」is expressed a... 2025.02.12 idiom
idiom Today’s idiom : It’s sour grapes!(負け惜しみ) 【Japanese idioms you’re sure to find useful.】。きっと使える日本のイディオムThe English idiom「It’s sour grapes!」is expressed as 「負け惜しみ(M... 2025.02.03 idiom
idiom Today’s idiom : butterflies in one’s stomach(胸騒ぎ) 【Japanese idioms you’re sure to find useful.】。きっと使える日本のイディオムThe English idiom「butterflies in one's stomach」is expressed ... 2025.02.02 idiom
idiom Today’s idiom : Fat chance(まさか!) 【Japanese idioms you’re sure to find useful.】。きっと使える日本のイディオムThe English idiom「Fat chance」is expressed as 「まさか!」 in Japan... 2025.02.01 idiom
idiom Today’s idiom : without further ado(透かさず) 【Japanese idioms you’re sure to find useful.】。きっと使える日本のイディオムThe English idiom「without further ado」is expressed as 「透かさず」... 2025.01.27 idiom