【Japanese idioms you’re sure to find useful】
The English idiom「fly off the handle」is expressed as 「キレる」 in Japanese.
英語のイディオムの「fly off the handle」は日本語で「キレる」と表現します。
【You know「fly off the handle」means】
「fly off the handle」の意味
idiom meaning:to suddenly become very angry.
Ex) Don’t fly off the handle.
Origin: In early America, axes were often poorly constructed, with the axe heads frequently detaching from their handles and posing a risk of injury to the user or others.
【Get to know Japanese「キレる(KIRERU)」】
Japanese Origin: When someone gets extremely angry or excited, The phrase “veins bursting” metaphorically describes the appearance of these veins as if they are on the verge of rupturing.
日本語由来: 誰かが極度に怒ったり興奮したりする時、「キレる」という表現は、静脈が破裂しそうな様子を比喩的に表現します。

【You can use this in situations like this】
I retired early at 55 and got a new job. In the beginning, I wasn’t used to the job and was pretty stressed, so I made a lot of mistakes. I think my stamina wasn’t what it used to be, and I wasn’t as quick at picking things up anymore. One day, completely exhausted, I just wandered around in a daze. My boss saw me and fly off the handle, yelling, “What’s with that attitude? You’re always messing up!” There were people around, so I thought it might be power harassment, but I knew I was the one making all the mistakes, so I just apologized. It’s something that still sticks with me. Sadly, there are many odd people at my workplace right now. And the pay’s low, and I only get stuck with easy tasks, but I’m always under pressure. It feels like I’m in prison. I don’t think I’ll ever respect this workplace again. The only thing I’m looking forward to is meeting the future me who’s still pushing hard and never gave up.
