Today’s idiom:throw caution to the wind/winds(無謀にも) 

【Japanese idioms you’re sure to find useful.】


The English idiom「throw caution to the wind/winds」is expressed as 「無謀にも」 in Japanese.

英語のイディオムの「throw caution to the wind/winds」は日本語で「無謀にも」と表現します。

【You know「throw caution to the wind/winds」means】

「throw caution to the wind/winds」の意味

idiom meaning:to do something without worrying about the risk or negative results.


Similar phrases:way out of line”, “completely unacceptable”, and “totally inappropriate

Ex) He threw caution to the wind and bought the most expensive Laptop PC .


Origin: It’s widely believed to come from Sailors would sometimes throw caution to obtain maximum speed when sailing. This expression gradually found its way into everyday language, symbolizing a disregard for caution or prudence.


【Get to know Japanese「無謀にも(MUBOUNNIMO)」】


Japanese Origin: The term “Mu (無)” signifies negation or absence, while “Bou (謀)” means to plan, scheme, or consider. When combined, these characters denote the concept of taking action without careful thought or consideration of potential outcomes.


【You can use this in situations like this】


Three years ago, I was forced to retire early from my company. One day, my boss suddenly asked me, ‘Would you mind quitting the company?’ It hit me hard. I was totally shocked, but I only had about a month to think about it. The added bonus of a severance package was tempting, but more than anything, I just wanted to leave the company, which had helped me a lot over the years, without causing any hassle to do so gracefully in the end. I threw caution to the wind and quit the company. The job search after that was really tough. I finally found a full-time part-time job with a yearly contract. I don’t get much satisfaction from my job anymore. The goal is just to earn enough to cover the basics and to get some physical activity. But I’ve got more free time now. I’ve been able to try out more things I like. In the future, I want to do what I like and what I want to do, not just what I have to do.


