Today’s idiom:It is what it is(仕方がない)

【Japanese idioms you’re sure to find useful.】


The English idiom「It is what it is」is expressed as 「仕方がない」 in Japanese.

英語のイディオムの「It is what it is」は日本語で「仕方がない」と表現します。

【You know「It is what it is」means】

「It is what it is」の意味

a situation is unchangeable and must be accepted. It is often used to describe a frustrating or challenging situation.


ex)I could not be promoted, but it is what it is


【Get to know Japanese「仕方がない(SHIKATAGANAI) 」】



The situation where there are no more options and you are powerless to do anything about it. A mindset of accepting the facts and nature as they are.
Foreigners might see this as the will of God or destiny, while Japanese people simply see it as a lack of effort. Then, they quickly find new hope and move forward.


【You can use this in situations like this】


One morning when I arrived at work, a mountain of tasks was waiting for me. It turned out to be the unfinished work left by a woman who had been doing the same job the day before. I was furious. However, since I couldn’t start my own tasks until I cleared this up.I reluctantly began working on it.This woman spends most of her time chatting during work and doesn’t take her job seriously. On top of that, she seems to look down on me. Complaining to her wouldn’t solve anything. It is what it is. I decided to focus on doing my job the best I can!


