Today’s idiom : without further ado(透かさず)

【Japanese idioms you’re sure to find useful.】。


The English idiom「without further ado」is expressed as 「透かさず」 in Japanese.

英語のイディオムの「without further ado」は日本語で「透かさず」と表現します。

【You know「without further ado」means】


Do it at once and do not discuss or delay it any longer.


Ex) Without further ado, let’s get started!


Similar phrases:without missing a beat


The Origin of the word:

The term “ado” comes from shortening “at do” and started being used in northern England in the late 14th century. It means things like trouble, fuss, or unnecessary worry. Later on, it became a theatrical term, used to introduce actors, plays, or other important stuff without any formal introduction.


「ado」という用語の語源は「at do」の短縮形です。14世紀後半のイングランド北部で使われ始めました。また、ややこしい物事、騒動、取り越し苦労を意味します。その後、「without further ado」は、演劇用語として、演者や演劇など、重要なことを前置き無しに紹介するときに使われました。

【Get to know Japanese「透かさず(SUKASAZU)」】


The origin of the word:

It means “not to create a gap or space. The word “SUKIMA” (透き間) is used when talking about a space that’s intentionally made between things, while “sukima” (隙間) refers to a gap that appears unintentionally. The second one is more commonly used.



【You can use this in situations like this】


I go to the gym four days a week and spend about an hour working up a sweat on the treadmill. I love sweating because it feels so refreshing. Then, without further ado, I take a shower. It feels great and is an excellent way to refresh myself.

One day, after the gym, I was hungry, so I decided to go to a nearby Japanese restaurant with my wife. As soon as we arrived at the restaurant, without missing a beat, I started browsing the menu. Normally, since I rarely eat with my wife, it would be ideal to take my time chatting with her while deciding what to order. However, I’m too impatient to do that. That’s a terrible story.


