【Japanese idioms you’re sure to find useful.】。
The English idiom「butterflies in one’s stomach」is expressed as 「胸騒ぎ(MUNASAWAGI)」 in Japanese.
英語のイディオムの「butterflies in one’s stomach」は日本語で「胸騒ぎ(MUNASAWAGI)」と表現します。
【You know「butterflies in one’s stomach」means】
「butterflies in one’s stomach」の意味
It means to feel nervous or anxious, especially before doing something.
Ex) I always get butterflies in my stomach before an important match.
Similar phrases:Be under tension or getting nervous.
It metaphorically compares the sensation of a fluttering stomach experienced during anxiety or excitement to the movement of butterflies flapping their wings.

【Get to know Japanese「胸騒ぎ(MUNASAWAGI)」】
A sudden acceleration of heart rate due to concern or misfortune. Palpitation.

【Cross cultural comparison】異文化間比較
The Japanese word “蝶” (chō, meaning “butterfly”) doesn’t describe the fluttery or nauseous feeling in your stomach when you’re nervous. Instead, it symbolizes reincarnation, since butterflies emerge from their chrysalises and take flight with beautiful wings. It also represents beauty and joy because of its elegant appearance. If anything, it place more emphasis on appearance. There’s also a similar phrase, ” The bug in one’s stomach (腹の虫がおさまらない)”, but that one actually expresses anger, not nervousness.
【You can use this in situations like this】
Last year, my health check-up showed ‘occult blood.’ It was the first time that had ever happened. Since I’m getting older, I was worried it could be cancer. I quickly booked an appointment at the hospital, and sure enough, they found ‘occult blood.’ They did an ultrasound and a cell test right there. The next week, I went back for the results. While waiting to hear what the doctor would say, I had butterflies in my stomach. Luckily, everything was fine, but I definitely don’t want to go through that stress again.”
