【Japanese idioms you’re sure to find useful.】
The English idiom「Make a meal (out) of~」is expressed as 「手間暇をかける」 in Japanese.
英語のイディオムの「Make a meal (out) of~」は日本語で「手間暇をかける」と表現します。
【You know「Make a meal (out) of~」means】
「Make a meal (out) of~」の意味
idiom meaning:(British English informal) to spend more time or energy doing something than is necessary
Ex) There’s no need to make a meal of it!
Origin: from the allusion of sitting down to a lengthy formal meal when perhaps a snack on the run would be more appropriate
由来: 大袈裟な食事を前にして、これなら、急いで軽食をとる方が適切かもしれないという暗示から
【Get to know Japanese「手間暇をかける(TEMAHIMAWOKAKERU」】
“TEMAHIMAWOKAKERU” means putting time and effort into something.
TEMA (手間): This is the time and steps involved in doing tasks like farming or crafting.

HIMA (暇): This means spare time or free time.
When combined, it describes taking the time to do something carefully and thoroughly. In Japanese culture, spending a lot of effort and time on something is often seen as a good thing, so it has a positive vibe for many people.

【You can use this in situations like this】
I work at the reception desk of a public hospital. One day, a woman responsible for transporting supplies came to see me, saying there was an issue with one of the billing slips. When I asked for the reason, she explained that the applicant’s section was missing a stamp. I promptly stamped the document, and she took it and left. It became clear to me that her department make a meal of checking whether documents are stamped or not. While stamps might be a cultural tradition cherished by Japanese people, there’s no denying that they are inefficient