【Japanese idioms you’re sure to find useful.】
The English idiom「come up to scratch」is expressed as 「 お眼鏡にかなう」in Japanese.
英語のイディオムの「come up to scratch」は日本語で「お眼鏡にかなう」と表現します。
【You know「come up to scratch」means】
idiom meaning:good enough, as good as expected or wanted. usually used in negative statements
Ex) Your presentation wasn’t up to scratch
例) あなたのプレゼンテーションは基準に達していませんでした
Origin: in sports in the 18th century: In bare-knuckle boxing, fighters would stand with their toes on a scratch in the ground at the start of each round. If a fighter was fit enough to walk to the line, they were “up to scratch”.
由来: 18 世紀のスポーツ: 素手で殴りあうボクシングでは、ファイターは各ラウンドの開始時に地面の傷の上につま先を乗せて立ちます。ファイターがラインまで歩けるほど大丈夫であれば、「基準に達している」ことになります。
【Get to know Japanese「お眼鏡にかなう(OMEGANENIKANAU)」】
Origin(Japanese): The word “megane” (glasses) itself carries meanings such as “the ability to discern good and bad,” “a discerning eye,” or “appraisal.”

【You can use this in situations like this】
I have been attending an English conversation school for seven years. My progress has been slow, and I stayed at the same level for many years. The instructors and staff at the school kept encouraging me to take the level-up exams, and I tried several times, but I failed every time. My skills didn’t come up to scratch yet.I was on the verge of giving up. However, I was interested in talking with people from other countries and learning about different cultures, so I kept going to the English conversation school. Last year, I finally passed the evaluator’s standards and leveled up. It was such a long journey!
