Today’s idiom:figure of speech(言葉のあや)

【Japanese idioms you’re sure to find useful.】


The English idiom「figure of speech」is expressed as 「言葉のあや」 in Japanese.

英語のイディオムの「figure of speech」は日本語で「言葉のあや」と表現します。

【You know「figure of speech」means】

「figure of speech」の意味

something different from their ordinary meaning


ex) figure of speech referring to~


【Get to know Japanese「言葉のあや」(KOTOBANOAYA)」】


The term ‘kotoba no aya’ refers to an artful use of language, characterized by intricate expressions that allow for multiple interpretations



“AYA (綾) originally refers to patterns on silk fabrics with diagonal intersections. Over time, it came to represent different forms, patterns, colors, and a sense of elegance. From there, it also took on the meaning of using words and writing in a beautiful and skillful way to create impactful expressions.


【You can use this in situations like this】


“There was once a woman at my workplace who suffered from severe morning sickness and often took days off. One day, I saw her with a flushed face, leaning against the wall with a pained expression. Concerned, I thought I should offer help and asked, ‘Are you okay?’ She responded with a firm, ‘I’m fine!’ However, it was clear that she wasn’t fine at all. In the end, her ‘I’m fine’ was just a figure of speech—what she really wanted was to be left alone.


