【Japanese idioms you’re sure to find useful.】。
The English idiom「can’t make head nor tail of」is expressed as 「ちんぷんかんぷん」 in Japanese.
英語のイディオムの「can’t make head nor tail of」は日本語で「ちんぷんかんぷん」と表現します。
【You know「can’t make head nor tail of」means】
「can’t make head nor tail of」の意味
Meaning: To not be able to understand something. It’s an informal way of expressing that something is difficult to understand or unclear.
Ex) We can’t make head nor tail of your question.
Similar phrases :be unable to fathom.
“Heads or tails” is used when flipping a coin to determine the order or make decisions in competitions. It dates back to ancient times, specifically the Roman Empire, where it was originally called “Heads or Ships.” From ancient times to the present, the obverse of most government-issued coins has featured a bust of a famous ruler, or a “head,” but the reverse has rarely, if ever, depicted an animal’s “tail.” The phrase likely originates simply from the idea that “heads and tails” represent opposites.

【Get to know Japanese「ちんぷんかんぷん(CHINPUN-KANPUN)」】
Origin(由来) : In Chinese, “聽不懂” (听不懂) means “can’t understand even when listening,” and “看不懂” means “can’t understand even when looking.” Together, they express “can’t understand at all.” It has a rhythmic sound and has been widely used since the Edo period. It is a type of language created by uneducated people when mocking the difficult Chinese phrases used by Confucian scholars or when mimicking the speech of foreigners.

【Cross cultural comparison】異文化間比較
The English phrase “can’t make head nor tail of” conveys a sense of encountering something incomprehensible, openly admitting a lack of understanding, and seeking further information. In contrast, “” CHINPUN-KANPUN (ちんぷんかんぷん) has a somewhat self-deprecating nuance, possibly reflecting the humility of Japanese culture.Therefore, when someone says “can’t make head nor tail of”, it suggests that more information should be provided. On the other hand, when someone says ” CHINPUN-KANPUN “, it often implies that they have no intention of continuing the conversation on that topic. A closer English equivalent might be “It’s all Greek to me.”
「can’t make head nor tail of」という英語のフレーズは、理解できないものに遭遇した際、自ら理解の不足を認め、さらなる情報を求めるという感じがします。対照的に、「ちんぷんかんぷん」にはやや自虐的なニュアンスがあり、日本文化の謙虚さを反映しているのかもしれません。したがって、誰かが「can’t make head nor tail of」と言った場合、より多くの情報を提供する必要がありますが、誰かが「チンプンカンプン(CHINPUN-KANPUN)」と言った場合は、多くの場合、その話題について会話を続けるつもりがないことを意図します。これに近い英語は「It’s all Greek to m(私にとってそれはギリシャ語です)」かもしれません。
【You can use this in situations like this】
There are many young people at my workplace. I often hear them talk about places they’ve been or restaurants they recommend. For example, they talk about popular clubs in Shibuya, how they work, and how much they cost. But I can’t make head nor tail of it at all. It makes me feel a little sad about the generation gap. Speaking of things I don’t understand, during English conversation lessons, when the discussion gets lively, the foreign instructor sometimes starts speaking really fast. They’re usually laughing, but I can’t tell if they find something funny or if they’re being self-deprecating. It’s all Greek to me.I have no idea what’s going on, but I just smile as if nothing happened.
私の職場には若い人が多くいます。彼らが、どこかに遊びに行った話とか、お店の話を聞くことがあります。例えば、お勧めの渋谷のクラブやバーのシステムや値段の話などです。私には全く理解できません。ジェネレーション ギャップに少し寂しい思いがします。理解できない事と言えば、英会話のレッスン中、話が盛り上がると外人講師が早口にまくしたてる事があります。笑っていることが多く、面白がっているのか、自虐的なことがあったのか、私には、全く理解できませんが、取り敢えず、何事もなかったかの様に、笑顔を返します。

【This is the sunrise from my home window】
A residential area in the morning, around 6:00 AM.I’m happy that dawn is finally coming earlier.”
