Today’s idiom : cock and bull story(出鱈目)

【Japanese idioms you’re sure to find useful.】。


The English idiom「cock and bull story」is expressed as 「出鱈目(DETARAME)」 in Japanese.

英語のイディオムの「cock and bull story」は日本語で「出鱈目(DETARAME)」と表現します。

【You know「cock and bull story」means】

「cock and bull story」の意味

Meaning: A story that is obviously not true, especially one given as an excuse


Ex) He gave me some cock-and-bull story about spending the entire day working on sales promotion activities.


Similar phrases :Tall tale. Fish story. Whopper.


Origin: A pair of coaching inns alongside the former A5 road or the old Roman road Watling Street in Stony Stratford (Buckinghamshire, England), named respectively ‘The Cock’ and ‘The Bull’, are said to have given rise to the term “cock and bull stories.” Coaches or the Mail coach would stop in the town on their way from London to the North and many a traveller’s tall tale would be further embellished as it passed between the two hostelries, fuelled by ale and an interested audience.( From English Language & Usage Stack Exchange )

由来: イングランドのバッキンガムシャー州ストーニー・ストラットフォードにある、かつてのA5道路または古代ローマ街道ワトリング・ストリート沿いの二軒の宿屋「The Cock」と「The Bull」が、「cock and bull stories(でたらめな作り話)」という表現の由来になったと言われている。ロンドンから北へ向かう途中の馬車や郵便馬車がこの町で停車し、旅人たちの誇張された話が、ビールと興味津々な聴衆の力を借りて、これら二つの宿屋の間でさらに脚色されていったとされる。

(Image: Google)

【Get to know Japanese「出鱈目(DETARAME)」】


Origin: It is said that the word ” DETARAME ” originated from gambling, where the outcome was determined by the number that appeared when rolling the dice. This led to its meaning of being haphazard or random. The word “出鱈目(DETARAME )” is an ateji (phonetic kanji representation).


【Cross cultural comparison】異文化間比較

In medieval taverns, people from various backgrounds and occupations would gather, exchanging information and deepening their connections, making these places serve as social hubs. Within such an environment, exaggerated or fabricated stories were likely very useful in enlivening the atmosphere.Similarly, in Japan, gamblers frequently told exaggerated stories (or outright lies). While both involved telling untruths, it seems to suggest that whereas people overseas tend to take things positively and engage in boastful storytelling, Japanese people tend to take things negatively and tell lies.


【You can use this in situations like this】


I started going to the gym and lost 10 kg in about three months. However, losing weight was not my original goal. I have always enjoyed physical activity, and since jogging was one of my hobbies, I found that going to the gym allowed me to exercise more frequently, even on bad weather days or at night. As a result, I gradually lost weight.In the first month alone, I lost more than 5 kg. When my mother noticed this, she asked, “Why have you lost so much weight?” I told her, “It’s because I’ve been going to the gym.” However, she responded, “I can’t believe your cock and bull story.. Are you sure you’re not sick?” Since she also goes to the gym herself, it seemed unbelievable to her.


