Today’s idiom : Fat chance(まさか!)

【Japanese idioms you’re sure to find useful.】。


The English idiom「Fat chance」is expressed as 「まさか!」 in Japanese.

英語のイディオムの「Fat chance」は日本語で「まさか!」と表現します。

【You know「Fat chance」means】

「Fat chance」の意味

It’s used to say that you do not think that something is likely to happen


Ex) Do you think I can pass despite failing that much? fat chance!


Similar phrases :「slim chance」⇒It’s used in more formal or polite expressions.



The adjective “fat” originally carried the meaning of something that does not actually exist. It is, however, sarcasm. Based on this, the phrase “Fat chance” likely came to mean “highly unlikely” or “impossible.”

「脂肪(豊かな)」という言葉には、もともと、皮肉的に、「実際には存在しないもの」という意味が含まれます。このことから、「Fat chance!」という言葉は、「可能性が非常に低い」または「不可能である」という意味で使われるようになったと考えられます。

【Get to know Japanese「まさか!(MASAKA!)」】



It is said that the origin of the word comes from masaki (目先). Masaki refers to what is right in front of one’s eyes, meaning “reality” or “the present.” Over time, it came to express the feeling of surprise when something seemingly impossible is happening right before one’s eyes.


【Cross cultural comparison】異文化間比較

The phrase “Fat chance” is a sarcastic expression, whereas “MASAKA” (まさか) does not carry any humor or deception. In this way, English speakers sometimes express their true intentions by stating the opposite of what they mean, using humor (or a form of deception) to convey their message indirectly. While English speakers have a habit of softening their true feelings with a certain kind of “lie,” Japanese people often hide their true thoughts and present a more socially acceptable opinion to avoid friction in relationships—this concept is known as “HONNE and TATEMAE” (本音と建前). This tendency is often described as a reflection of the Japanese sense of “OKUYUKASHISA” (奥ゆかしさ), or refined modesty, but it is something that English speakers may find difficult to understand.

「Fat chance」は皮肉的な表現ですが、「まさか(MASAKA)」には、ユーモア(嘘)は含まれません。この様に、英語話者は、意図していることと反対のことを述べることによって、はっきりとは言い出しづらいことを、ユーモア(嘘)を交えてしっかりと意思表示をすることがあります。ある種の嘘によってやんわりと本音を伝える習慣がある英語話者に対して、日本人は、人間関係の摩擦が生じないように、本心を隠して表向きの意見や考えを伝えることがあります。(本音と建前)。そこに「嘘」はありません。これを日本人の「奥ゆかしさ」を表していると言われますが、英語圏の人にはあまり理解できないことのようです。

【You can use this in situations like this】


This is about when I got my big motorcycle license. Since I wasn’t used to riding bikes, the lessons didn’t go very well. One day, after awkwardly making my way around the course, I kind of showed on my face that I wanted to move on to the next stage. But the instructor shut me down, saying, “You really think you can move on with your skills right now? Fat chance!” Then, pointing at a younger guy who had been riding with me, he said, “You need to ride like him.” I was so frustrated I almost cried, but I held it in.In the end, I somehow passed—after spending a crazy 300,000 yen on lessons (when it usually costs around 100,000) and taking 22 hours of practice (twice the normal 12 hours).Sadly, I haven’t really ridden a bike since.


