Today’s idiom : harp on about something(くどくどと話す)

【Japanese idioms you’re sure to find useful.】。


The English idiom「harp on about something」is expressed as 「くどくどと話す」 in Japanese.

英語のイディオムの「harp on about something」は日本語で「くどくどと話す」と表現します。

【You know「harp on about something」means】

「harp on about something」の意味

To talk or complain about something repeatedly in a way that is annoying or boring.


Ex) You don’t keep harping on about tedious job


When playing the harp, repeatedly plucking the same string produces the same sound over and over again. This repetition of the same sound, even outside of an instrument, can make anyone feel uncomfortable. Furthermore, the sound of the harp has a soothing effect on the mind and can make people feel sleepy, as if it is inducing boredom.


【Get to know Japanese「くどくどと話す(KUDOKUDOTOHANASU)」】


The term “kudokudo” originates from the terminology of Heikyoku, a form of Japanese narrative performing arts. (Heikyoku is a traditional art in which blind monks play the biwa while narrating and performing the Heike Monogatari.) In medieval Heikyoku, sections where similar melodies were repeated and recited with a chanting tone were referred to as Kudoki (or “Kutoki”). This became the etymology of “kudokudo.”


【You can use this in situations like this】


My wife is a pharmacist. Due to her profession, whenever I catch a cold or have back pain, she blames me for not managing my health properly and immediately tells me to take medicine. I don’t live an unhealthy lifestyle, and I prefer to avoid taking medicine as much as possible. However she keeps harping on it every time I get sick, so I try to hide it as much as I can to avoid the hassle.


Actually, I sometimes have similar feelings. It happens when I’m watching Western movies.  I especially love Keanu Reeves’ movies. In “The Matrix”, I can totally enjoy watching it without subtitles. But with the same Keanu movies, if there’s too much slang, I just can’t enjoy it without subtitles. That feeling is kind of like when I’m harped on about complaints. I lose focus and get really sleepy. I guess it’s the feeling you get when you’re stuck in a situation you just can’t deal with.


