The English idiom「below the belt」is expressed as 「卑怯な手を使う」 in Japanese.
英語のイディオムの「below the belt」は日本語で「卑怯な手を使う」と表現します。
【You know「below the belt」means】
「below the belt」の意味
Means : A statement or criticism that strikes a sensitive point or encroaches excessively on personal matters.
意味: 敏感な点に触れたり、個人的な事柄に過度に踏み込んだ発言や批判。
ex) Don’t hit below the belt.
例) 卑怯な手を使うな!
English origin: It can be traced back to the sport of boxing. In boxing, there are rules and regulations that define legal and illegal target areas for punches. Striking an opponent below the beltline, specifically hitting the groin area, is considered an illegal blow and is penalized.
英語の由来: ボクシングというスポーツに遡ることができます。ボクシングでは、パンチが許される場所と禁止させている場所を定義する規制があります。ベルトラインより下、特に股間を打つことは、違法な打撃とみなされ、罰せられます。

【Get to know Japanese「卑怯な手を使う」(HIKYOUNATEWOTSUKAU)」】
Origin: The kanji 「卑怯」(cowardice) is a phonetic kanji and was originally written as 「比興」. In this context,「比」 signifies a simile, while「興」 denotes a metaphor,
A metaphor is a way of describing something by directly comparing it to something else.
Metaphors stimulate the reader’s imagination. However, while they may feel remarkably effective to those who understand them, they can be incomprehensible to others.
It shows how someone might take advantage of another’s weaknesses or act in a way that isn’t completely fair.
【You can use this in situations like this】
Last month, the government decided to introduce undercover identity investigations as a measure against robbery incidents related to illegal side jobs. Pretending to be hired may be way below the belt, but if it can help prevent incidents and have a deterrent effect, I fully support it. It’s sad that young people are being lured into illegal side jobs through social media. But I know a young English teacher who loves Japanese culture and fashion and works in Japan despite a low salary. I respect him, and I’m thinking about how I can be of help to him. I also want to do my best and become a respected Japanese person.
